Sustainability, public policies, socio-environmental, development, natural resources, cultures

Editorial Criterial

Editorial and Editorial Criteria of Society and Environment


We thank the authors who propose texts for publication in the journal to take into consideration the editorial criteria presented below.



General indications

  • Names of articles, theses, papers, etc., will be quoted
  • Names of books will be italicized
  • When you name the direct authors of the reference you must first go last name and then the first name (not replace the first name with its initial) separated by a comma.
  • The name of two authors should only be separated by "y"


Example: Suárez, Rogelio and Pérez, Sandra (2008).


  • The names of more than three authors must be separated by semicolons.


Example: Álvarez, Juan; Ruiz, Alan; Férez, Carlos; Sacristán, María, and Benítez, Claudia (2017)


  • Name of cities must be translated, unless the text is in English
  • Except for the citation in the body of the text, the names must be complete, not initials. In References neither et al.


Examples of concrete cases



Berman, Marshall (1985). Todo lo sólido se desvanece en el aire. México: Siglo XXI, 345 pp.

  • Book: Last name, first name (Year). Title. City, Country: Editorial, pp.


Book with editor:

González, Ramiro y Cervantes, María (eds.) (2015). El uso de pesticidas en el cultivo del maíz. Medellín, Colombia: UdeA, 345 pp.

  • Last name, full first name (ed.) (Year). Title. City, Country: Editorial.




  • Last Name, First Name (Year). Title. Retrieved from http: // www ...


Chapters in books:

Sánchez, Pedro (2001). “La nueva perspectiva geoecológica”. En Laura Suárez; Victoria Cabrera y Raúl Lavista (coords.), Prontuario geoecológico. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica, pp. 26-76.


  • Chapter of book: only in cases of compilatory books and anthologies where each chapter has a different author and a compiler or editor: Last name, full name (Year). "Title of chapter or entry". Full first name. (Ed.), Title of the book. City, Country: Editorial, pp.



  • As shown in the example, the name of the compilers or editors go in another order: first first name and then last name. The same criteria (with the exception of the order of the names) will apply when there are several compilers or editors


Newspaper publication:

Hernández, José; Pérez, Josefa, y Galíndez, Laura (2016). “Los factores de riesgo en la construcción de represas”. Hidrología y recursos, 16(2), pp. 32-56.

  • Periodical publications printed format: Last name, full name; Last name, full first name, and last name, full first name (Date). "Article title". Name of the journal, volume (number), pp.

With doi

  • Periodicals with DOI: Last name, full name; Last name, full first name, and last name, full first name (Date). "Article title". Name of the journal, volume (number), pp. Doi: xx


  • Periodical publications online: Last name, full name (Year). "Article title". Name of the journal, volume (number), pp. Retrieved from http: / / www ...

Printed newspaper article

  • Printed newspaper article: Last name, full name (Date). "Article title". Name of the paper, pp.

Online newspaper article

  • Online newspaper article: Last name, full name (Date). "Article title". Name of the newspaper. Retrieved from http: / / www ...




Jaramillo, Magdalena (2008). “Percepciones sobre el movimiento estudiantil de 1968 cuarenta años después” (Tesis de doctorado en Historia). México: Universidad de los Altos de Chiapas. San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, 344 pp.

  • Degree thesis: Author, full name (Year). "Thesis title" (Thesis of undergraduate, masters or doctoral). Name of the institution. Place, pp.
  • Online thesis: Author, full name (Year). "Thesis title" (Thesis of undergraduate, masters or doctoral). Retrieved from http: // www ...



References to electronic pages and information on other electronic media:


  • Reference to web pages: Last name, full name (Date). Page title. Place of publication: publishing house. Retrieved from http: // www ...
  • Sources on CDs: Last name, full name (Year of publication). Title of the work (edition) [CD-ROM]. Place of publication: publishing house.
  • Films: Producer's Last Name, First Name (Producer) and Director's Last Name, First Name (Director). (Year). Name of the film [film tape]. Country: production company.
  • TV series: Last name of the producer, first name (producer). (Year). Name of the series [television series]. Place: Producer.
  • Video: Last name of the producer, first name (Producer) (Year). Name of the series [Source]. Place.
  • Podcast: Last Name, First Name (Producer) (Date). Title of the podcast [Audio podcast]. Recovered from htpp: // www ...
  • Online forums, list of electronic addresses and other online communities: Author, (Day, Month, Year) Message title [Description of form] Retrieved from htpp: // www ...



Other elements

Curriculum syllabus
As a footnote (the call will go after the author's name), we request a curriculum sketch that shows the last degree obtained or that is being studied in generic terms. After the training institution, the country must be indicated. Also after the author's institutional affiliation, country must be indicated. Then lines of interest (from four to five) should be set, followed by e-mail.


PhD in Sociology from Carleton University, Canada. Professor-researcher at El Colegio de Michoacán, Mexico. Lines of interest: gender, environment and sustainable rural development. Email: xx @ xx