This research analyzes the social perception of the natural and cultural heritage (mainly archaeological) between key sectors of San Andrés Tuxtla and Catemaco, Veracruz, in the Los Tuxtlas Biosphere Reserve. Methodologically, we apply semi-structured interviews to diagnose training needs on natural and cultural heritage to producers of tourism goods and services and public officials, and we carry out workshops with a collaborative approach to raise awareness, revalue and reactivate aspects of tangible and intangible culture that promote tourism products aimed at conserving natural and cultural heritage. The results show unequal perceptions of natural and cultural heritage, as well as a recognition of the potential that culture and heritage elements represent, the use of which can be beneficial to local and regional economies, provided that there is transversal participation of the sectors involved. We conclude that it is necessary to assess culture for its inclusion in training programs on sustainable cultural tourism, to strengthen the link between government sectors, private sector, local population, academics and tourists, emphasizing the importance of reactivating and reinforcing the identities of a society settled in a culturally and ecologically rich territory.
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