Even though Protected Areas (PAs) are one of the main mechanisms used by governments for the conservation of ecosystems, in Mexico the fulfilment of their objectives has been limited due to a predominantly ecological vision that usually does not consider the interests, the social structure and the culture of the stakeholders. These objectives could be more effectively reached through processes of social participation and broader inclusion in decision-making. The absence of these processes could also lead to the emergence or aggravation of socio-environmental conflicts. Based on the results of participatory appraisal, social cartography, interviews and participatory transects, we analyse the complex scenario of interests, resistances and collective actions around the PA Archipelago of Forests and Jungles of the Capital Region of the State of Veracruz, Mexico, and share reflections on the co-management of the territory and conservation schemes that are socially and environmentally fairer. We argue that the territorial perspective allows a more complex understanding of the actors and interests involved, which is necessary in the attempt to transform conflicts through collective action and thus contribute to socio-environmental processes.
Sociedad y Ambiente by ECOSUR is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 2.5 México License