This study explores the environmental health status of agricultural localities in the Rural Development District 144 (DDR 144) in Sonora, Mexico. After reviewing the results of research undertaken through various environmental matrices on soil, water, fruits and vegetables that have proven the presence of pesticides in several agricultural areas of the state, it was decided to address the health effects associated with chronic exposure to thesesubstances. It is an exploratory-descriptive study, based on scientific information published in official documents and articles between 1988 and 2018. As a methodological guide, the Driving forces – Pressure – Status – Exposure – Effect - Action (DPSEEA) model was used to identify the main factors of the macroeconomic and environmental dimensions linked to environmental health problems. The results confirm environmental deterioration, the presence of health risks for the population, as well as an association between the two due to the use of agrochemicals in agriculture, the main economic activity in DDR 144. The author recommends expanding the study at the state level and by age group, and with specific health data.
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